Friday, February 29, 2008

Media Pitch 1

Subject: New Association will give you more than a nickel’s worth

Dear Henry D. Wentworth Jr.,
Managing Editor of the Thrifty Nickel

I am writing to you because you are the managing editor of Cache Valleys’ monthly financial magazine. I would like you to put a series of articles in the Thrifty Nickel for the Cache Valley Area Investors Association. I would like the first article to outline the goals and objectives of the association. The goals of the association are:

Creating an opportunity for financial matters to be discussed openly in a group setting.
To educate individuals about creating a passive income.
The opportunity to learn how to grow wealth free of charge.

The founder of the association is Preston Parker a local resident. He holds no certification or degrees in finance for the wealth of knowledge he brings. He teaches mostly from personal experiences or finds professionals that are willing to volunteer to share with the group. The group meets on every other Thursday night at the chamber of commerce. I see a great chance for a partnership here.

I would like to have a summary of what was covered at the months meetings put in your publication. I would be willing to coordinate interviews with any guest lecturer or member of the group you would like as well. I know that if we can come together on this that the wealth we create here can stay here for generations to come.

Please feel free to contact me,

Peter Burdych
Public Relations Specialist

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